ChatGPT Essay Insights: 5 Quick Points for Flawless Creation!

The digital age has brought forth many tools to aid students in their academic endeavors. One such tool is ChatGPT, a chatbot designed by OpenAI. While it's essential to remember that chatbots shouldn't replace the learning process, they can be invaluable in guiding and refining one's work. Here's a detailed guide on how students can responsibly use ChatGPT throughout the essay-writing process.

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Overview: ChatGPT's Capabilities and Caveats for Student Essay Writing

Launched in 2021, OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot exhibits remarkable proficiency at producing coherent, persuasive text on arbitrary topics. Give it an essay prompt, and ChatGPT can draft an entire essay within seconds.

However, prudent students should be wary of taking its output at face value. As a large language model, ChatGPT's knowledge is restricted to the vast datasets it was trained on, which only cover information up until 2021. It may generate biased, inaccurate, or nonsensical text lacking supporting evidence. Verbatim use of ChatGPT's essays could also constitute plagiarism.

The key is to selectively utilize ChatGPT's functions to augment, not replace, your critical thinking and writing. Let's examine some of these practical applications for different essay writing stages.

How Chatbots Can Responsibly Assist Throughout the Essay Writing Process

While there is no substitute for learning, here are some responsible ways students can integrate ChatGPT into their academic essay-writing workflow:

Brainstorming Titles and Topics

  1. Understanding the Prompt: Begin by explaining your essay assignment prompt to ChatGPT.

  2. Generating Titles: Ask ChatGPT, "Can you suggest [X] potential titles for a [length] essay about [topic]?"


I need to write an essay about how COVID-19 has influenced the environment. This includes positive and negative impacts, such as reduced air pollution due to lockdowns or increased waste from disposable masks.

Please suggest 5 potential titles for a 1500-word essay about the influence of COVID-19 on the environment.

ChatGPT Write an Essay Brainstorming Titles
  1. Selection: Review the titles, considering relevance and intrigue. Choose the one that resonates best.

  2. Expanding on Ideas: Pose follow-up questions about the chosen title to ChatGPT to delve deeper into specific topic areas.

    ChatGPT Write Essay Brainstorming Title Expanding on Ideas

Developing an Outline

  1. Setting Parameters: Share the finalized topic and specific essay guidelines with ChatGPT.

  2. Requesting an Outline: Ask ChatGPT to draft a [#] paragraph essay outline detailing critical points for each section.

  3. Refinement: Critically assess the provided outline. Modify, expand, or rearrange points to fit your vision better.

I've chosen the title 'From Clear Skies to Overflowing Landfills: The Environmental Footprint of COVID-19' for my 1500-word essay. The essay should discuss the positive and negative environmental impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Please provide a 5-paragraph essay outline based on the title 'From Clear Skies to Overflowing Landfills: The Environmental Footprint of COVID-19'.

ChatGPT Write an Essay Developing an Outline

Discovering Sources

  1. Seeking Guidance: Ask ChatGPT, “Which types of sources would be best for information on [your topic]?" 

    You can request sources directly from ChatGPT. However, its database is limited to information up to 2021. Additionally, it lacks internet access without specific plugins, which may affect the currency and reliability of provided resources.

  2. Categorizing: List the suggested source types, such as academic journals, expert interviews, datasets, etc.

  3. Research: Use ChatGPT's recommendations as a guide to search for credible materials in academic databases, libraries, or online platforms.

    ChatGPT Write an Essay Discovering Sources

Writing a Sample Essay

You can prompt ChatGPT to draft a sample article using the provided information. 

  1. Defining Parameters: Share with ChatGPT the essay topic, desired length, and any style guidelines.

  2. Requesting a Sample: Ask ChatGPT to craft a sample essay based on your parameters.

  3. Analyzing the Sample: Critically review the provided sample. Extract and rephrase valuable insights or structures to incorporate into your essay, ensuring originality.

However, directly using its output without modifications or proper citations can result in plagiarism and academic penalties. ChatGPT's text, sourced from its vast database, might overlap with existing publications and may not be entirely original or error-free. Using ChatGPT as a starting point and manually refining its output is advisable, rather than relying on the text without modification.


I need a sample essay on 'From Clear Skies to Overflowing Landfills: The Environmental Footprint of COVID-19'. The essay should be 1500 words long and maintain a formal academic style. Now, please write the part 1 to part 5 according to the outline.

You can also ask it to write [X] paragraphs or specific sections based on your needs.

ChatGPT Writing a Sample Essay

Here is the full essay made by ChatGPT:

1. Introduction

The COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented global health crisis, has left indelible marks on various sectors of society. Beyond the immediate health implications and economic disruptions, the pandemic has also significantly influenced the environment. This essay delves into the environmental footprint of COVID-19, highlighting the juxtaposition of cleaner skies against the backdrop of burgeoning landfills.

2. The Silver Lining: Environmental Positives

The initial lockdowns, a response to the rapid spread of the virus, led to a sudden halt in many human activities. One of the most immediate and visible effects was the improvement in air quality. Major cities, previously choked with smog and pollutants, witnessed clear skies within weeks. For instance, Delhi, one of the world's most polluted cities, experienced a 60% reduction in PM2.5 air pollution levels in just a week of lockdown. Similarly, satellite images from NASA showcased a significant reduction in nitrogen dioxide levels over industrial hubs in China.

Water bodies, too, reflected the pause in human activities. The canals of Venice typically muddied due to constant boat traffic, became clear enough to see the bottom. Wildlife, emboldened by the absence of humans, ventured into urban areas. From deer in Japan's Nara Park to pumas in Santiago, Chile, nature momentarily reclaimed spaces.

3. The Overflow: Environmental Negatives

However, this environmental respite was accompanied by a surge in challenges, particularly concerning waste. The pandemic necessitated the use of disposable personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, and face shields. While essential for safety, these items, often made of non-biodegradable materials, started piling up in landfills and, in some unfortunate instances, littered natural habitats.

The pandemic also saw a reversion to single-use plastics. Hygiene concerns led many to choose disposable items over reusable alternatives. Cafes stopped accepting reusable cups, and grocery stores witnessed a spike in plastic bag usage. Furthermore, the rise in online shopping, a safer alternative to in-store purchases, led to an increase in packaging waste, much of which was non-recyclable.

Medical waste, too, saw an uptick. Used test kits, syringes, and other medical disposables added to the waste management challenge. Countries unprepared for this surge struggled, leading to improper disposal methods and potential environmental hazards.

4. The Bigger Picture: Long-Term Implications and Lessons

The environmental changes brought about by the pandemic were, in many cases, transient. As countries eased lockdowns and economies restarted, pollution levels began creeping back. The clear skies over cities were once again clouded by pollutants, and the brief respite for the environment seemed fleeting.

However, the pandemic served as a stark reminder of the impact of human activity on the environment. The temporary improvements in air and water quality showcased the potential for a cleaner world. But the surge in waste underscored the need for sustainable practices and innovations in waste management.

The pandemic, in its devastation, offered lessons in sustainability. It emphasized the importance of preparedness not just in health but in environmental management. The global response to the pandemic, characterized by cooperation and rapid adaptation, could serve as a blueprint for addressing environmental challenges.

5. Conclusion

The COVID-19 pandemic, while primarily a health crisis, has intricately woven its narrative into the environment. The clear skies, a testament to nature's resilience, contrasted sharply with overflowing landfills, highlighting human dependency on disposables. As the world navigates its recovery, it stands at a crossroads. One path leads to old habits and environmental disregard, while the other beckons a future of sustainability and respect for nature. The lessons from this pandemic, if heeded, could shape a greener, more sustainable future.

Proofreading Your Draft

  1. Sharing Your Work: Input your essay draft into ChatGPT.

  2. Seeking Feedback: Ask specific questions like, "How can I improve the clarity of this paragraph?" or "Is my conclusion compelling enough?", “Please provide feedback on the clarity and engagement of the paragraph discussing []?”

  3. Refinement: Use ChatGPT's feedback to refine and polish your essay, ensuring clarity, coherence, and engagement.


Please provide feedback on the clarity and engagement of the paragraph discussing the long-term implications of the pandemic on the environment. Is the message about the potential for a cleaner world and the challenges in waste management clear to the reader?

ChatGPT Write an Essay Feedback

The key is using chatbots judiciously for targeted help rather than as a complete substitute.

Key Limitations of Using ChatGPT to Write an Essay

While handy for specific applications, bear in mind ChatGPT's restrictions:

  • There is no access to factual information beyond 2021, so we cannot provide the latest data

  • Risk of generating biased, inaccurate, or nonsensical text

  • Using its essays verbatim constitutes plagiarism without attribution

  • Tendency for overly verbose, repetitive wording

Always verify any facts, sources, or data ChatGPT suggests independently. Most vitally, do your research and writing.

Tips for Using ChatGPT Effectively

Here are some more detailed tips and examples for prompting ChatGPT effectively:

Break It Down: Instead of asking everything at once, split your requests. For instance, first ask for the introduction, then the outline.

Set the Tone: When you want an outline or draft, mention the tone you aim for, like formal or conversational.

Be Specific: For sample paragraphs, tell ChatGPT the main idea and if you need examples.

Focused Feedback: Want feedback? Point out specific areas, such as the topic sentence or conclusion.

Critical Review: Make sure to take everything ChatGPT says as perfect. Review and pick out what's valuable.

Rephrase if Needed: If ChatGPT's answer isn't quite correct, try asking again with different wording.

Inspiration, Not Imitation: Use ChatGPT to inspire and guide you to do only some of the work for you.

The more precise you are, the better ChatGPT can help enhance your writing. And the key is being specific in your prompts and framing them as tools to improve your writing skills, not circumvent them.

Alternatives to ChatGPT for AI Writing Assistance

ChatGPT is not the only AI tool that can provide writing assistance. Here are some alternatives:

1. Microsoft Bing AI

Description: Microsoft's Bing AI, powered by GPT-4, offers a chat mode that pulls web queries, allowing users to ask contextual questions. It boasts features like visual answers and multimodal capability.

Key Features: GPT-4 powered, visual input/output, internet connectivity, chat history, cites sources.

2. Perplexity AI

Description: Trained on OpenAI's API, Perplexity AI offers ChatGPT-like functionality and cites sources for its answers.

Key Features: Cites sources, actionable results, GPT-4 co-pilot mode, file uploads.

3. Google Bard AI

Description: Google's experimental conversational AI, Bard, is powered by the PaLM 2 LLM model and offers generative AI for search.

Key Features: Image uploads, chat history, PaLM 2 model, export to Docs, multilingual.

4. Jasper Chat

Description: Targeted at businesses, Jasper Chat is based on GPT 3.5 and offers expansive knowledge up to mid-2021.

Key Features: OpenAI models, remembers conversations, and supports 29 languages.

5. Chatsonic

Description: Built on ChatGPT, Chatsonic can access the internet, remember conversations, and offer 16 different personas.

Key Features: GPT-4 model, image creation, voice command, internet access.

6. Claude 2

Description: Developed by Anthropic and backed by Google, Claude 2 focuses on natural conversation without traditional LLM models.

Key Features: 100k context window, can load libraries, GPT-4 comparable, PDF uploads.

7. Llama 2

Description: Open-source Llama 2 by Meta offers a context length of 4096 tokens and is trained on 2 trillion tokens.

Key Features: Open-source, trained on 7B-70B parameters, expertise in reasoning and coding.

8. HuggingChat

Description: Created by HuggingFace, HuggingChat is based on Meta AI's LLaMA model and offers web access.

Key Features: Web access, suitable for coding, powered by Meta's open-source models.

9. Quora Poe

Description: A platform to interact with various AI chatbots, Poe offers back-and-forth conversations with several AI-powered bots.

Key Features: Platform for multiple AIs, instant answers, and one-stop platform for AI tools.

Conclusion: Chatbots Can Assist, But Should Not Replace Student Skills

In summary, when judiciously utilized at specific steps like brainstorming and editing, ChatGPT and similar AI chatbots can aid students in crafting more engaging, coherent academic essays more efficiently. However, the responsibility remains entirely on students to exhibit their critical thinking, research, and writing skills, using chatbots only to provide supplemental inspiration and feedback.