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Rawquery is a simplistic yet powerful tool that enables users to effortlessly interact with their databases using everyday language.

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Updated on 7/14/2023

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Raw Query is a groundbreaking solution that capitalizes on advanced AI technology. With the ability to communicate with databases as though exchanging information with a colleague, Raw Query operates as a data assistant. This advanced tool simplifies the process of querying, adding, and modifying data within an individual's database.

Key Features

AI-Driven Data Assistant: Apply cutting-edge AI technology to interact with your database through natural language.

Effortless Data Querying: Access information from your database by asking simple questions in plain English.

Smooth Data Export: Export data in CSV file format without the need for intricate software or programming skills.

Seamless Data Addition: Include new data into your database, even in the absence of a designated form.

Convenient Data Update: Effortlessly alter existing data, assuring precision and efficiency.

Time and Effort Saver: Simplify database interactions and avoid the requirement for complicated tools or software.

Developer-Friendly: Forego creating multiple internal apps by employing Raw Query as a comprehensive data assistant.

Business Intelligence Support: Communicate with your database in your preferred language, getting rid of the need for specialized database knowledge.

Use Cases

Software developers desiring to make database interactions uncomplicated without creating additional internal tools.

Business intelligence experts looking for an intuitive method to query, export, and update data without in-depth database knowledge.

Teams and individuals requiring quick access to retrieve, export, or modify data in their databases without the complexity of challenging software.

Users aiming to enhance productivity by saving time through the simplification of database interactions using natural language commands.

Raw Query represents a potent data assistant that empowers users to communicate with their databases utilizing natural language. By streamlining the querying, adding, and updating of data, Raw Query eradicates the need for technical tools or in-depth database knowledge. This ultimately saves time and boosts productivity levels for its users.

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