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Improve business efficiency with an AI-powered employee assistant that keeps your employees informed, streamlines decision-making, and saves valuable time.

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Updated on 2/27/2023

IngestAI Featured

Discover a powerful tool that can help you turn your knowledge base into an AI-powered chatbot assistant in minutes. With our platform, you can easily integrate with popular messaging apps such as Slack, Discord, Whatsapp, Telegram, and more, and provide your audience with accurate answers to their questions based on your related materials.

Our software supports uploading Knowledge-base files such as Markdown, TXT, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Notion, and Confluence, making it easy to get started with your existing resources. Our AI/Chatbot-generated answers are accurate and in-context, providing real value to your audience seeking answers about your product, services, company knowledge base, and more.

Transform the way you interact with your customers or team members by providing an instant, helpful assistant that can answer any questions they have, whenever they have them. No need to spend precious time searching for information or answering the same questions over and over again - our platform automates the process and frees up your time for more important tasks.

Overall, our tool offers an innovative approach to customer support and knowledge management, and is an ideal solution for anyone seeking to improve efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Try it today and see the benefits for yourself!

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