[2024] Rytr AI Review:
10 Features, Low Cost, Pros & Cons

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Written by Michelle Baker
Updated: 31/08/2023 7 Min Read

If you've been looking for an AI writing tool, you've probably come across Rytr. Known for its affordable prices, you might be wondering if it's worth buying.

I've personally tried Rytr and used it to create various content snippets. This will help you decide if it's right for you. I'll discuss its main features, advantages and disadvantages, and more.

Are you considering using Rytr to create content? This Rytr review will give you all the details you need.

Let's start!

What Is Rytr?

Rytr Homepage

Rytr is an AI writing tool that uses OpenAI's GPT-3 tech to help you create different kinds of original content.

Based on your guidelines, it gives you one, two, or three results. It's great for creating short pieces of content like business pitches, brand names, calls to action, emails, and ads for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as product and meta descriptions and more.

Features of Rytr

Advanced Text Editing Options

Rytr Advanced Text Editing Options

Let's do a quick run-down of all the text magic you can perform with Rytr:

Improve: This function polishes basic grammatical errors, fine-tunes the sentence structure for better readability, and spruces up the overall formation of the sentence.

Rephrase: If you're happy with the content but not satisfied with the way it’s laid out, use this option. It restructures your content while retaining the essence, ensuring it's entirely unique and dodges any plagiarism concerns.

In my experience, Rytr does more than just replace words with their synonyms. It transformed an entire paragraph while preserving the core meaning, and it did so without sounding verbose or grammatically flawed.

Write a paragraph: This feature generates a comprehensive paragraph from your selected text.

Continue Ryting: This allows you to expand your content based on selected text (up to 1,000 characters).

Expand: This function helps to provide more depth or detail to a selected piece of content.

Shorten: It reduces your text to the most basic content, which is particularly helpful for summarizing blog topics or any other generated content.

Append: This feature is particularly beneficial for academic writing

Check for plagiarism: If you're ever in doubt about the originality of Rytr's output, you can run a plagiarism check before publishing.

To use it, simply select the text you want to verify, then click on More > Plagiarism.

Shortly, you'll see the results in a small pop-up window at the bottom right corner of your screen. If the text is unique, it will notify you that no matches were found. If not, it will indicate where the duplicate content is found on the internet, including the percentage of matched words.

Various Use Cases

To create content with Rytr a breeze, you can use the existing use cases.

Let's take a look at some of them.

Blog Idea & Outline Generator

Rytr Blog Idea and Outline Generator

Rytr provides two templates for this purpose:

  • The blog outline template aids in structuring your article.

  • The sections template assists in fleshing out individual sections of your blog posts.

However, for creating long-form articles, it might not be your best bet. Compared to Rytr, both Jasper and Copy AI offer superior alternatives for long-form articles.

Email Generator

Rytr Email Generator

I chose the “Funny” tone, and this is what I got:

Rytr Email Generator Output

This feature could be a lifesaver for small business owners who want to expedite their email newsletter writing process.

Call To Action

Rytr Call To Action

Calls to action are integral for your sales landing pages, blog posts, or emails, especially if you're aiming for an improved conversion rate. A compelling CTA can positively impact your profits.

However, in my experience, Rytr’s CTA use case falls short. It tends to repeat itself and doesn't take my inputs into much consideration, leading to a basic, generic call to action.

Rytr Call To Action Output

Post And Caption Ideas

Rytr Post And Caption Ideas

Rytr can help you come up with ideas for social media content. However, it is often repetitive and lengthy.

In contrast, Jasper performs well in creating post titles, with a wider range of social media templates and better output.

Video Description And Idea

Rytr Video Description And Idea

Brainstorming video concepts can be quite a challenge. However, in my opinion, AI writing tools may not be the best answer to this.

To truly thrive on platforms that prioritize video, you need to bring creativity to the fore and craft a unique approach. An AI tool might not be able to deliver that.

Even though Rytr's video description may be beneficial in some instances, anyone who's read a YouTube video description knows that a brief overview isn't sufficient. It needs to be more comprehensive, packed with calls to action and related references.

However, Rytr could be seen as a good place to start.

Magic Command

Rytr Magic Command

With Rytr's Magic Command feature, you can send personalized directives to the AI writer. All you have to do is tell it what you want to be written, and Rytr fulfills your request like a magic trick.

To use this, opt for the Magic Command on the left-hand side panel. Then, in the Input text field, jot down your desired instructions.

Different Marketing Structures (AIDA, PAS)

Rytr Copywriting Framework AIDA PAS

Rytr can construct engaging content following established marketing copy blueprints like AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution).

For this feature, you describe a product or brand, and it generates a persuasive sales copy using the AIDA or PAS method. I tried it with “SkII new product launch conference, nourish original good skin, invite to participate”

Rytr Copywriting Framework AIDA

Here's the output:

Rytr Copywriting Framework AIDA Output

The result isn't neat or immediately ready to go. They offer you a base that you can polish and refine to match your style and preferences.

Other Use Cases

Here’s the full list of use cases you can choose from with Rytr:

  • Blog Section Writing

  • Brand Name

  • Business Idea Pitch

  • Business Ideas

  • Cover Letter

  • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Ads

  • Google Search Ads

  • Interview Questions

  • Job Description: 

  • Keywords Extractor

  • Keywords Generator

  • Landing Page & Website Copies

  • Post & Caption Ideas

  • Product Description

  • Product Description (bullet points)

  • Profile Bio

  • Question & Answer

  • Reply to Reviews & Messages

  • SEO Meta Description

  • SEO Meta Title

  • SMS & Notifications

  • Song Lyrics

  • Story Plot

  • Tagline & Headline

  • Testimonial & Review

  • Video Channel Description

  • Video Description

  • Video Idea

Custom Use-Cases

Rytr Custom Use Cases

If the available use-case templates don't satisfy you, or if your needs exceed the default offerings, Rytr allows you to create a custom use case.

You prepare your template by defining your own parameters. While it may require some time to get everything set up, you can customize the AI writing assistant to fit your specific needs.

Once the template is ready, you can utilize it as a custom tool within Rytr itself. However, this tool is only available to premium users.


Rytr Integrations

Rytr is compatible with SEMRush, enabling you to generate keyword ideas for articles and get a detailed report on your website's ranking to improve it over time.

SEMRush integration for keyword research is the only third-party integration that Rytr currently offers.

On the plus side, Rytr does offer a Chrome browser extension, enabling you to use Rytr on various web forms and document editors such as Google Docs, Slack, WordPress, Facebook, and more. However, there's no browser extension available for other major browsers like Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.

For integrating Rytr with your business's existing apps, there's a developer-friendly API available.

Activate Rytr API

By the way, competitors of Rytr, like Jasper, offer more comprehensive integration options. For example, Jasper has an add-on for Grammarly, a seamless plagiarism checker, and an SEO mode that enables Surfer within your Jasper document.

Multi-Language Support

Rytr supports a total of 29 languages. Notably, Rytr offers support for Hindi, a feature that is not available in Jasper or CopyAI.

If you're in need of high-quality content in Hindi, Rytr is the top AI writing assistant for the job.

A Compact Design

The refined design and user-friendly interface of Rytr truly make it unique among its peers. This is extremely useful when there's a hefty volume of content to be produced.

Suppose you need assistance crafting a video script, then an email, followed by a social media post to promote it.

Rytr may face difficulty with the video script since it lacks a use case specifically for this. However, you can construct your own use case for outlining a video script. Once your initial content piece is ready, Rytr enables you to effortlessly switch to another use case from the dropdown menu to draft your email and yet another one for your social post. Every feature you need is conveniently located in one spot.

With most other AI tools, you'd need to open distinct documents for each template.

At first glance, this might not seem like a noteworthy advantage, but it can greatly optimize your content creation flow.

AI Image Tool

Rytr AI Image Tool

You simply highlight any line of text in the editor and click on the “AI Image” button to conjure an image that aligns with your selected text.

While some AI writers do possess an AI art generator, none that I know of incorporate this feature directly within the post, making this a refreshing surprise from Rytr.

To put this tool to the test, we tasked Rytr with creating an image of a young girl playing on the beach, here is the output:

Rytr AI Image Result

Despite some constraints with Rytr’s image generator, it is beneficial for content writers seeking to infuse their articles with original images.

Various Tone Style

  • Appreciative 

  • Assertive

  • Awestruck 

  • Candid

  • Casual 

  • Cautionary 

  • Compassionate

  • Convincing 

  • Critical 

  • Earnest

  • Enthusiastic

  • Formal

  • Funny

  • Humble

  • Humorous

  • Informative

  • Inspirational 

  • Joyful 

  • Passionate 

  • Thoughtful 

  • Urgent

  • Worried

Writing profile

Rytr Writing profile

Rytr stands alone among AI writing tools in offering a content writing profile feature.

If you are a seasoned content or copywriter, Rytr allows you to establish a public profile page to display your portfolio and connect with potential clients.

Your profile page is your stage to showcase your finest work, and it comes with its own personal URL (rytr.me/user/yourname) that you can share broadly.

Notably, your profile page can also organically attract potential clients by the thousands.

Here's how you can set up your writing profile:

  1. Navigate to the Account section of the dashboard. From there, select Profile > Create profile.

  2. Fill out the necessary profile details like a bio, profile picture, etc., and click Create.

  3. You can attach documents from your Rytr dashboard to your profile page to exhibit and share your work.

Truth be told, I am uncertain about the actual usefulness of this feature. Many writers might be reluctant to admit they utilized an AI writing tool for their portfolio pieces. However, if this trend catches on, it could pave a new path for professional writers to gain visibility.

Keyword research

Rytr can double up as a keyword research tool. 

To use it for keyword research, pick the Keywords Generator use case. Input your main keyword, and click Ryte for me.

Rytr Keyword research

Rytr then generates a multitude of related keywords in the rich text editor. For our test run, we used the seed keyword 'iPhone disabled,' and Rytr returned a set of pretty solid suggestions.

Rytr Keyword Research Result

While these keywords could be potential targets for a piece on “forgot iPhone passcode,” it's hard to be sure, as Rytr doesn't offer any metrics to assess keyword opportunities. There's no data on search volumes, competition, etc.

Consequently, Rytr doesn't quite serve as a full-fledged keyword research tool.

However, you can augment Rytr's keyword suggestions by integrating them with your Semrush account. This, of course, would require a Semrush subscription.

Readability Score

Rytr Readability Score

The readability score is a feature that enables you to fine-tune your content for your intended audience. It presents the average reading time as well as the complexity level of any highlighted text, alongside the word and character count. This information is displayed when you hover over the character count.

Advantages of Rytr:

  • Rytr's interface is uncomplicated and user-friendly. All you need to do is select a use case, click a button, and voila - you've got AI-constructed text in no time. The rich text editor and the side toolbar are your primary tools.

  • With 40+ use cases supported by Rytr’s AI writer, you can produce practically any form of content you require. It provides the freedom to customize the tone, creativity level, and language of the result to suit your needs.

  • Rytr excels in crafting short-form content and outlines, facilitating swift creation of your article's foundation, although you'll have to develop each section further yourself.

  • With its highly competitive pricing, Rytr offers an accessible entry point to AI writing.

  • A handy Chrome Extension is available for users' convenience.

  • Rytr permits the creation of your own use case if the existing ones don't meet your needs.

  • The Customer service is responsive and prompt, with queries typically addressed within five minutes.

  • Rytr's 'Rephrase and Improve' features enhance your sentences' appeal and engagement factor while also enhancing text readability.

  • To ensure your work's uniqueness, Rytr offers an integrated plagiarism checker.

  • Rytr presents ample formatting options, allowing for device-agnostic document creation.

Disadvantages of Rytr:

  • When it comes to long-form content, Rytr's AI generator falls short. It can construct a good paragraph on a given topic, but when requested to elaborate on that paragraph, it tends to produce peculiar, redundant, and often illogical output. Hence, it's incapable of generating full-length blog posts.

  • Compared to other content generators that require minimal input, Rytr demands substantial user input, which could prove frustrating if the generated content doesn't meet your expectations.

  • Rytr's familiarity with certain topics is limited, leading to vague or arbitrary text that isn't particularly useful. Fact-checking the article to ensure its accuracy may consume additional time.

  • Rytr provides a maximum of three output options per input, and there's often minimal variation between these outputs.

  • Rytr's third-party integration capabilities are limited and do not include a SurferSEO integration, unlike Jasper.

  • Rytr's SERP analysis and keyword research tools are subpar compared to competitors and are not seamlessly integrated into the user interface. Access to crucial keyword metrics like search volume and competition is also lacking. Additionally, Rytr doesn't permit keyword addition when generating meta descriptions.

Rytr Pricing

Rytr positions itself as a cost-effective option among AI content creators. Its free plan, which doesn't require credit card information, allows users to create up to 10k characters and five AI images per month. For those seeking more, there are paid subscriptions:

  • The Saver Plan costs $9 per month

  • The Unlimited Plan costs $29 per month

Rytr Pricing


Does Rytr generate social media posts?

Yes, Rytr is equipped to create content for various social media platforms, encompassing post ideas, captions, video descriptions, profile bios, website content, and more.

Can Rytr write a blog post for me?

Rytr can aid in crafting blog posts, but not in one single step. You'd have to commence with a blog outline and develop it into individual paragraphs or formulate the blog one paragraph at a time.

Does Rytr support multiple languages?

Yes, Rytr currently supports over 30 languages. Detailed information can be found in this Rytr review.

Does Rytr have a free plan?

Indeed, Rytr's free plan permits users to generate up to 10,000 characters per month.

Which AI technology does Rytr use?

Rytr employs GTP-3 AI technology, the same as its competitors. However, since GTP-3 had indexed only 10% of the internet at its release, it falls short when dealing with complex and technical content.

Final Thoughts

Rytr is a commendable AI writing platform with an abundance of features. These include an extensive range of supported use cases, the ability to create content in multiple languages, a unique AI image generator, and a user-friendly interface.

Another highlight of Rytr is its economical price point, alongside a free plan. This makes it a fitting choice for budget-conscious individuals or those whose monthly AI writing demands do not exceed 10k characters.

However, Rytr does have its restrictions. It falls short when it comes to crafting premium-quality long-form content. If you're searching for an all-encompassing solution for content creation, Rytr might not meet your expectations.

On the other hand, if you're seeking a tool that can expedite your workflow, assist in structuring article outlines, and help generate or rephrase paragraphs to overcome writer's block, Rytr could be a valuable addition to your toolkit.

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