job interview preparation



Let AI be your interview coach! Our prompts offer targeted preparation for job interviews. Practice answering industry-specific questions and receive valuable feedback to sharpen your communication and interview skills, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.


  • Please list 10 interview questions commonly asked by you, a hiring manager who will interview a candidate for <job position/type of job and the field you’re applying for>. The list of questions should be generated based on the provided job description and the candidate’s resume. <details of job description and my resume>.

  • Please provide me with some insights on what a hiring manager may expect to receive when asking <question> when interviewing a candidate for <job position/type of job and the field you’re applying for>.

  • Please provide me with tips and strategies for answering this interview question <question> to increase my chance of getting the job <include details on the job position/type of job and the field you’re applying for>. Please also suggest effective ways to structure and organize my responses to ensure they are clear and concise

  • Imagine you’re a candidate during a job interview for <include details on the job position/type of job and the field you’re applying for>. Your task is to give the best answer to this interview question <question> to impress the potential employer and increase your chance of getting the job.

  • Please provide me with tips and guidance on appropriate attire and body language for a job interview <include details on the job position/type of job, the field you’re applying for, and the type of company/organization you will be interviewing with>. Also, please advise me on what I should wear to the interview, how I should present myself nonverbally to make a good impression, and any body language mistakes I should avoid during the interview.

  • As a candidate preparing for a job interview <include details on the job position/type of job, the field you’re applying for, and the company/organization you will be interviewing with>, how do you research the company and position, including where to start, what to look for, and how to use the information during the interview.

  • Provide tips and strategies for negotiating salary and benefits if offered <details of the job position, field, and company, plus the initial salary and benefits offered>. Additionally, please guide me on how to research and determine a reasonable salary range and how to approach the negotiation process professionally and effectively.

  • Can you help me practice common interview questions for a sales position?

  • Provide me with tips to ace a behavioral interview for a project management role.

  • I will provide you with a job description and my resume. I want you to provide a list of 5 interview questions I can likely expect from the interviewer whose job title is <if known, insert interviewer’s job title>. Generate the interview questions and then tell me which skills to emphasize in my responses in table format using a conversational tone. Here is the link to the job description: <paste link> . Here is my resume: <paste in all text from your resume>

  • I'm looking for a set of questions that will help me to assess a candidate's [skill set] during an interview.

  • I need to design an interview process that will help identify candidates with a [personality trait] that is well-suited to our company culture.

  • I'm looking for a set of questions to use in an interview that will help me to evaluate a candidate's ability to handle [specific job tasks].

  • I'm looking for interview questions that will help me to determine whether a candidate has the problem-solving and analytical skills required for the role.

  • I need to create an interview process that will enable me to assess the communication and interpersonal skills of potential candidates.

  • What are some common mistakes to avoid in a job interview? – This prompt can help you prepare for interviews by identifying common pitfalls to avoid.

  • What are some best practices for researching companies before an interview?

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